@article{oai:tobunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003941, author = {岡田, 健 and Ken, OKADA}, issue = {56}, journal = {保存科学, Science for conservation}, month = {Mar}, note = {In 2014, a project was started to promote a domestic cultural heritage disaster mitigation network aimed at the realization of effective activities for disaster reduction and salvage. The present report focuses on the promotion of the network system in the regional community and discusses ways to cooperate in case of emergency from the point of view of conservation of disaster-stricken cultural properties as well as to collect and disseminate relevant information.}, pages = {189--198}, title = {〔報告〕文化財災害対策における地域体制整備に向けた重要な課題―技術連携と緊急連絡システム―}, year = {2017} }