@article{oai:tobunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003904, author = {高鳥, 浩介 and 柳田, 連太郎 and 久米田, 裕子 and 高橋, 淳子 and 早川, 典子 and 加藤, 雅人 and 佐藤, 嘉則 and 木川, りか and Kosuke, TAKATORI and Rentaro, YANAGIDA and Yuko, KUMEDA and Atsuko, TAKAHASHI and Noriko, HAYAKAWA and Masato, KATO and Yoshinori, SATO and Rika, KIGAWA}, issue = {54}, journal = {保存科学, Science for conservation}, month = {Mar}, note = {Fungal occurrence by humidity differences on two types of substrates for Japanese paintings (shihon: Japanese paintings on paper, and kempon: Japanese paintings on silk cloth)was investigated.Mold growth was observed on samples of shihon and kempon,both types of which were made either using starch paste or without the paste. Substrates inoculated with various mold species were placed under five conditions of relative humidity (RH):94%, 84%, 75%, 70% and 57%.Mold occurrence was observed for 20 weeks under room temperature between 20 to 25 ℃. As a result, mold occurrence was observed in the environment of 94% RH after one month and,especially with samples using starch paste.However,in cases of environments of RH less than 84%,mold growth was extremely slow in all types of samples, just a few species having grown on the samples with starch paste in the observation period of 20 weeks even under the condition of 84%RH. Longer period of observation is necessary to grasp further tendency.}, pages = {133--144}, title = {〔報告〕紙本,絹本の湿度差によるカビ発生}, year = {2015} }