@article{oai:tobunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003137, author = {鎌倉, 惠子 and KAMAKURA, Keiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {無形文化遺産研究報告, Research and Reports on Intangible Cultural Heritage}, month = {Mar}, note = {This is a summary of an interview with people who support ningyo-joruri bunraku from behind the stage, focusing on performers of hayashi music. The three persons interviewed are: YOSHIDA Minosuke, a Holder of Important Cultural Property for ningyo-joruri bunraku, and TOSHA Shusaku and MOCHIZUKI Tamekichi, members of Mochizuki Tamezo School that is responsible for hayashi music today. YOSHIDA Minosuke spoke about the people who supported ningyo-joruri bunraku from the mid-1930s to the mid-1970s. TOSHA Shusaku and MOCHIZUKI Tamekichi spoke about the first Tamezo who established the School as well as about the changes in hayashi music from the mid-1930s until today and about other members of the School with whom they have had association.}, pages = {212--164}, title = {〔聞書き〕人形浄瑠璃文楽の裏方―囃子の世界を中心に―吉田簑助師 藤舎秀左久師 望月太明吉師に聞く}, year = {2008} }