@article{oai:tobunken.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003128, author = {鎌倉, 惠子 and KAMAKURA, Keiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {無形文化遺産研究報告, Research and Reports on Intangible Cultural Heritage}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper presents a summary of an interview with NAGOSHI Shoji, a holder of selected conservation techniques for katsura (wig making) and tokoyama (hairdressing) of ningyo-joruri bunraku. NAGOSHI was in charge of wigs and hairdressing of ningyo-joruri for over 50 years and is engaged in transmitting these techniques even after retiring from the National Bunraku Theatre. He has also established Manjian, a small exhibition room of bunraku wigs, at Tennoji-ku in Osaka and is engaged in promoting bunraku. During the interview NAGOSHI spoke about diverse topics: the days of his apprenticeship, including the memories of his master, the transition of the techniques of katsura and tokoyama, materials used for wigs, dyed kerchiefs and combs used to decorate wigs, and the condition of the world of katsura and tokoyama today, including the matter of successors.}, pages = {178--159}, title = {〔聞書き〕人形浄瑠璃文楽の鬘・床山の世界―名越昭司師に聞く―}, year = {2007} }